As you start to think about Christmas, why not link your lessons to the Habits of Heart?

Photo by Chris Sowder on Unsplash
Maybe use a Gracelink video to help you look at ways to use the Habits of Heart in your lessons? Gracelink videos are fabulous for younger students.
Introduce this video with the verse, Luke 2:11, “Today a Saviour has been born.”
In Circle Time you could explore questions such as –
Can you think of the best gift you ever received?
How did you feel when you received that gift?
What was the best gift you ever gave someone else?
What made that gift so special?
Why do think we think of Jesus as a ‘gift’?
Why do you think the Wise Men worshipped Jesus with their gifts and their love?
Set your students a task – and let them chat with others about this. Ask the students to think about one person that they care about. What is a gift that they could give that person that does not cost any money?
How can you link the Habits of Heart to this story? What Habits are reflected in the story? Perhaps encourage your students to keep a Habits of Heart Journal and record their thoughts and ideas after each lesson. You could make large Heart Posters around your room and allow the students to write their thoughts, ideas and reflections on the posters.
When you are thinking ‘gift-giving’ – don’t forget to check out the gift catalogue ideas at World Vision and TEAR.
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